Products Downloads Resources Menu MetaGeek Blog Wi-Spy Wi-Spy Guess Who's Back Together? Brian Tuttle Wi-Spy and Chanalyzer are getting back together! It’s about time for dual-band device finding Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers Back in 2010, 2.4 GHz interferers could run, but they couldn’t hide from Wi... How ISPs Can Improve Customer QoE With inS... Adam Miedema Wi-Fi is an amazing technology that frees us from physical tethers and push... Introducing inSSIDer for Office Rich Parker You’ve seen how inSSIDer for Home makes troubleshooting a single Wi-Fi netw... Stress Testing 30 iPads in a Classroom Rich Parker Recently, Wireless Lan Professionals performed a Wi-Fi stress test aimed at... WLAN Whitepapers Rich Parker In the world of WLAN, there is no shortage of corporate talk of best practi... How Wi-Spy Works Rich Parker Wi-Spy’s approach to spectrum analysis is a bit different than other spectr... Wi-Spy: Five Years of Leading the Way Ryan Woodings This month marks the five year anniversary of Wi-Spy and Chanalyzer. A few ... Report Builder Preview Rich Parker We wanted to highlight some of the cool things you can do in Chanalyzer Pro... What’s New in Chanalyzer 3.4? Rich Parker Chanalyzer 3.3 has been going strong for a year now, and the last update in... Site Survey + Wi-Spy = The Whole Picture Rich Parker Site Survey + Wi-Spy = The Whole Picture New Wi-Spy(R) 900x Spectrum Analyzer From ... Rich Parker Latest from Wi-Spy Family Provides Complete Analysis of 900 MHz Band for Un... Wi-Spy DBx defines the low-cost WLAN analy... Rich Parker Craig Matthias, who has written reviews in the past on Wi-Spy, delved into ... Wi-Spy DBx in Wi-Fi Planet Rich Parker Joseph Moran of Wi-Fi Planet gave Wi-Spy DBx the shakedown this past week a... Wi-Spy DBx is officially released Rich Parker Wi-Spy DBx is here! We have units in stock and we are ready to start shippi... Wi-Spy DBx is officially released Rich Parker Wi-Spy DBx is here! We have units in stock and we are ready to start shippi... eWEEK’s Matt Sarrel test drives Wi-Spy DBx... Rich Parker Matt Sarrel test drove Wi-Spy DBx through his New York City neighborhood an... Need more Wi-Spys? Rich Parker f you have been waiting to outfit your staff with 2.4x’s, now is a great ti... Faulty Wi-Fi Cards = Bad News for Everyone Rich Parker Recently here at MetaGeek, a broken Wi-Fi card wreaked havoc on the 2.4GHz ... PC Magazine Reviews Wi-Spy 2.4x Rich Parker Oliver Rist at PC Magazine has taken the Wi-Spy 2.4x for a spin and thinks ... Wi-Fi in San Jose Airport Rich Parker When anyone from MetaGeek travels we try to get a good Wi-Spy recording fro... Eakiu 4.0 Supports Wi-Spy 2.4x Rich Parker We are thrilled to announce the release of Eakiu 4.0. Eakiu is a Wi-Spy vie... Why 2.4 GHz Is a Dead-end for Wi-Fi Rich Parker Last week we sent a Wi-Spy 2.4x unit to George Ou at ZDNet for review. SmallNetBuilder Review of Wi-Spy 2.4x Rich Parker Tim Higgins at SmallNetBuilder just finished running the Wi-Spy 2.4x throug... Wi-Spy 2.4x Is Shipping! Rich Parker Finally! Wi-Spy 2.4x is here! With 3 times the frequency resolution Salmon Days Rich Parker Last Wednesday I had a salmon day… Brian Tuttle and I have been spending lo... The Best Laid Plans… Ryan Woodings As many of you know Wi-Spy 2.4x is our first new product release since the ... Processor Editorial on Wireless Analysis D... Ryan Woodings Processor recently featured an editorial on Wireless Analysis Devices. The Ever-Elusive Wi-Spy II Ryan Woodings Ever since we released the original Wi-Spy over a year ago we have received... “Wi-Spy … Good Inexpensive Wi-Fi Scanning ... Ryan Woodings Jason Powell (author of Church IT and other musings blog) has written a nic... We launched the Wi-Spy Chanalyzer 2.0 Beta... Rich Parker We launched the Wi-Spy Chanalyzer 2.0 Beta back in October, and have been q... Chanalyzer 2.0 (Beta) Release! Rich Parker Metageek invites you to join us in beta-testing the latest release of our W... Entrepreneur Magazine Review of Wi-Spy Ryan Woodings Wi-Spy packs a lot of features. A spectrogram lets you view a time-based hi... The Tech Lounge Review of Wi-Spy Rich Parker You just can’t beat being able to see the spectrum you are using. Not havin... Jiwire Review of Wi-Spy Ryan Woodings If you ever wanted to learn more about your Wi-Fi net and interference sources Wi-Fi Planet Review of Wi-Spy Ryan Woodings Wi-Spy is cheap, small, and easy enough to use that it can be a major step ... Engadget Post About Wi-Spy! Ryan Woodings “If you’re tired of getting your Wi-Fi connection messed up every time some... Explore More Topics Air Viewer Chanalyzer Channels Event YouTube Eye P.A. Culture Education Future Innovation InSSIDer Guest Post Interference MetaGeekApp Product Release Rampart Recordings Site Survey Press Tonic Software VisiWave Visual Packet Analysis Webinar Wi-Spy Wi-Fi Wireshark Get reliable Wi-Fi at home without needing to be a Wi-Fi expert. Subscribe to Signifi Personal. Get started Wi-Fi Education & Help If you're ready to take control of your Wi-Fi and make it feel like magic for your users, we are here to help. Wi-Fi Lessons Why Channels 1, 6, 11? Adjacent Channel Congestion Signal Strength Basics Understanding RSSI Using a New Router with DSL Changing Router Settings Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Videos Visual Spectrum Analysis Wireless Packet Analysis Designing Dual-Band Wi-Fi Catch Wi-Fi Roaming Events Tracking interference with Wi-Spy Air Room-by-Room snapshots with MetaGeek Pro Echo Spot and Dot Wi-Fi utilization Discussions Welcome to the MetaGeek Community! Lab tab unlock Chanalyzer 2.4 GHz SSIDs aren’t displaying, only the 5 GHz Wireshark captures Mesh Router Security Why is My Wi-Fi So Slow? See Local Network Devices with inSSIDer 5.2
MetaGeek Blog Wi-Spy Wi-Spy Guess Who's Back Together? Brian Tuttle Wi-Spy and Chanalyzer are getting back together! It’s about time for dual-band device finding Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers Back in 2010, 2.4 GHz interferers could run, but they couldn’t hide from Wi... How ISPs Can Improve Customer QoE With inS... Adam Miedema Wi-Fi is an amazing technology that frees us from physical tethers and push... Introducing inSSIDer for Office Rich Parker You’ve seen how inSSIDer for Home makes troubleshooting a single Wi-Fi netw... Stress Testing 30 iPads in a Classroom Rich Parker Recently, Wireless Lan Professionals performed a Wi-Fi stress test aimed at... WLAN Whitepapers Rich Parker In the world of WLAN, there is no shortage of corporate talk of best practi... How Wi-Spy Works Rich Parker Wi-Spy’s approach to spectrum analysis is a bit different than other spectr... Wi-Spy: Five Years of Leading the Way Ryan Woodings This month marks the five year anniversary of Wi-Spy and Chanalyzer. A few ... Report Builder Preview Rich Parker We wanted to highlight some of the cool things you can do in Chanalyzer Pro... What’s New in Chanalyzer 3.4? Rich Parker Chanalyzer 3.3 has been going strong for a year now, and the last update in... Site Survey + Wi-Spy = The Whole Picture Rich Parker Site Survey + Wi-Spy = The Whole Picture New Wi-Spy(R) 900x Spectrum Analyzer From ... Rich Parker Latest from Wi-Spy Family Provides Complete Analysis of 900 MHz Band for Un... Wi-Spy DBx defines the low-cost WLAN analy... Rich Parker Craig Matthias, who has written reviews in the past on Wi-Spy, delved into ... Wi-Spy DBx in Wi-Fi Planet Rich Parker Joseph Moran of Wi-Fi Planet gave Wi-Spy DBx the shakedown this past week a... Wi-Spy DBx is officially released Rich Parker Wi-Spy DBx is here! We have units in stock and we are ready to start shippi... Wi-Spy DBx is officially released Rich Parker Wi-Spy DBx is here! We have units in stock and we are ready to start shippi... eWEEK’s Matt Sarrel test drives Wi-Spy DBx... Rich Parker Matt Sarrel test drove Wi-Spy DBx through his New York City neighborhood an... Need more Wi-Spys? Rich Parker f you have been waiting to outfit your staff with 2.4x’s, now is a great ti... Faulty Wi-Fi Cards = Bad News for Everyone Rich Parker Recently here at MetaGeek, a broken Wi-Fi card wreaked havoc on the 2.4GHz ... PC Magazine Reviews Wi-Spy 2.4x Rich Parker Oliver Rist at PC Magazine has taken the Wi-Spy 2.4x for a spin and thinks ... Wi-Fi in San Jose Airport Rich Parker When anyone from MetaGeek travels we try to get a good Wi-Spy recording fro... Eakiu 4.0 Supports Wi-Spy 2.4x Rich Parker We are thrilled to announce the release of Eakiu 4.0. Eakiu is a Wi-Spy vie... Why 2.4 GHz Is a Dead-end for Wi-Fi Rich Parker Last week we sent a Wi-Spy 2.4x unit to George Ou at ZDNet for review. SmallNetBuilder Review of Wi-Spy 2.4x Rich Parker Tim Higgins at SmallNetBuilder just finished running the Wi-Spy 2.4x throug... Wi-Spy 2.4x Is Shipping! Rich Parker Finally! Wi-Spy 2.4x is here! With 3 times the frequency resolution Salmon Days Rich Parker Last Wednesday I had a salmon day… Brian Tuttle and I have been spending lo... The Best Laid Plans… Ryan Woodings As many of you know Wi-Spy 2.4x is our first new product release since the ... Processor Editorial on Wireless Analysis D... Ryan Woodings Processor recently featured an editorial on Wireless Analysis Devices. The Ever-Elusive Wi-Spy II Ryan Woodings Ever since we released the original Wi-Spy over a year ago we have received... “Wi-Spy … Good Inexpensive Wi-Fi Scanning ... Ryan Woodings Jason Powell (author of Church IT and other musings blog) has written a nic... We launched the Wi-Spy Chanalyzer 2.0 Beta... Rich Parker We launched the Wi-Spy Chanalyzer 2.0 Beta back in October, and have been q... Chanalyzer 2.0 (Beta) Release! Rich Parker Metageek invites you to join us in beta-testing the latest release of our W... Entrepreneur Magazine Review of Wi-Spy Ryan Woodings Wi-Spy packs a lot of features. A spectrogram lets you view a time-based hi... The Tech Lounge Review of Wi-Spy Rich Parker You just can’t beat being able to see the spectrum you are using. Not havin... Jiwire Review of Wi-Spy Ryan Woodings If you ever wanted to learn more about your Wi-Fi net and interference sources Wi-Fi Planet Review of Wi-Spy Ryan Woodings Wi-Spy is cheap, small, and easy enough to use that it can be a major step ... Engadget Post About Wi-Spy! Ryan Woodings “If you’re tired of getting your Wi-Fi connection messed up every time some... Explore More Topics Air Viewer Chanalyzer Channels Event YouTube Eye P.A. Culture Education Future Innovation InSSIDer Guest Post Interference MetaGeekApp Product Release Rampart Recordings Site Survey Press Tonic Software VisiWave Visual Packet Analysis Webinar Wi-Spy Wi-Fi Wireshark Get reliable Wi-Fi at home without needing to be a Wi-Fi expert. Subscribe to Signifi Personal. Get started Wi-Fi Education & Help If you're ready to take control of your Wi-Fi and make it feel like magic for your users, we are here to help. Wi-Fi Lessons Why Channels 1, 6, 11? Adjacent Channel Congestion Signal Strength Basics Understanding RSSI Using a New Router with DSL Changing Router Settings Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Videos Visual Spectrum Analysis Wireless Packet Analysis Designing Dual-Band Wi-Fi Catch Wi-Fi Roaming Events Tracking interference with Wi-Spy Air Room-by-Room snapshots with MetaGeek Pro Echo Spot and Dot Wi-Fi utilization Discussions Welcome to the MetaGeek Community! Lab tab unlock Chanalyzer 2.4 GHz SSIDs aren’t displaying, only the 5 GHz Wireshark captures Mesh Router Security Why is My Wi-Fi So Slow? See Local Network Devices with inSSIDer 5.2