Products Downloads Resources Menu MetaGeek Blog Culture Culture MetaGeek's Support for Ukraine Ryan Woodings What we are doing to help Ukraine Why We Built Signifi Business Ryan Woodings Signifi Business is about more than just home Wi-Fi, it's about employee fl... It's Time to End the 40-Hour Work Week Req... Ryan Woodings The pandemic has shown that having two full-time working parents is unsusta... Welcoming Joel Crane Back to MetaGeek! Ryan Woodings Joel Crane is rejoining MetaGeek as the Wi-Fi Pro Product Owner. His indust... Stepping Back into the CEO Role Ryan Woodings MetaGeek is uniquely positioned to make a difference — to make the world be... Happy World Wi-Fi Day! 🌍 📶 Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers World Wi-Fi Day is a global initiative to help bridge the digital divide, a... We Stand for What We Tolerate Brian Tuttle I feel called upon to make some personal statements regarding the killing o... Black Lives Matter Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers As a company, we don’t usually comment on political issues unless they are ... Personal Professional Development Brian Tuttle At MetaGeek, we practice Personal Professional Development. It’s a somewhat... DIY Day – May 2020 Brian Tuttle What is DIY Day? Dumb Idea of Yours Day! It’s a whole day for the geeks to ... Stepping Back into the "Chief Geek" Role Ryan Woodings When I started MetaGeek in 2005, it was just me and an idea. I had no offic... Getting Back on the Ship! A Cultural Reboa... Cole Pelosi Reboarding: getting on board again, especially an airplane or ship. We’re (still) one of the Best Places to Wo... Cole Pelosi We’re so excited to re-earn our status as one of the Best Places to Work in... 2017 – Back in the Game! Ryan Woodings Hi! It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post; it’s been too long act... In the News – Why Companies Are Moving Bac... Ryan Woodings Governing Magazine recently published an article about why companies are mo... Introducing Caitlyn Goetz, CWNA! Rich Parker We are proud to announce that we have another CWNA (Certified Wireless Netw... How To: RF Site Surveys Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers At some point in your job, you’ll need to deploy a WLAN network. Don’t be f... Marianna Budnikova, Driving STEM at MetaGe... Rich Parker Marianna Budnikova is one of our rockstar programmers here at MetaGeek. She... Our Philosophy for Employee Compensation –... Ryan Woodings Unless you just returned from a two month sabbatical from the Internet, you... Best Places to Work in Idaho 2012, 2013, 2... Rich Parker Most of us spend a great deal of our adult lives at work, for better or for... Develop.Idaho 2015 Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers Idaho might not be at the top of your list when you think of the tech indus... Scrum, It’s Not Just for Software Anymore Ryan Woodings MetaGeek believes in Scrum. Completely. Our software teams have been “agile... Engineers Without Borders – A Case Study b... Rich Parker Meet Andrew Chu. He is a network engineer for the organization Engineers Wi... How We Unsucked Our Hiring Process Ryan Woodings Firing people sucks. If you’ve ever had to do it, you know how awful it is.... The Ultimate Pairing Desk Ryan Woodings We believe that two heads are better than one. Pairing together to work on ... Supporting Boise State’s Computer Science ... Rich Parker MetaGeek is proud to be a Boise, Idaho company, and equally proud to say th... MetaGeek Donates 9 Laptops to OLPC Rich Parker In my Thanks and Giving post that I wrote after Thanskgiving (clever post n... Thanks and Giving Rich Parker During the Thanksgiving holiday I like to ponder the things I’m thankful fo... Third Site’s the Charm Ryan Woodings Our website has gone through some growing pains lately. It all started when... Explore More Topics Air Viewer Chanalyzer Channels Event YouTube Eye P.A. Culture Education Future Innovation InSSIDer Guest Post Interference MetaGeekApp Product Release Rampart Recordings Site Survey Press Tonic Software VisiWave Visual Packet Analysis Webinar Wi-Spy Wi-Fi Wireshark Get reliable Wi-Fi at home without needing to be a Wi-Fi expert. Subscribe to Signifi Personal. Get started Wi-Fi Education & Help If you're ready to take control of your Wi-Fi and make it feel like magic for your users, we are here to help. Wi-Fi Lessons Why Channels 1, 6, 11? Adjacent Channel Congestion Signal Strength Basics Understanding RSSI Using a New Router with DSL Changing Router Settings Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Videos Visual Spectrum Analysis Wireless Packet Analysis Designing Dual-Band Wi-Fi Catch Wi-Fi Roaming Events Tracking interference with Wi-Spy Air Room-by-Room snapshots with MetaGeek Pro Echo Spot and Dot Wi-Fi utilization Discussions Welcome to the MetaGeek Community! Lab tab unlock Chanalyzer 2.4 GHz SSIDs aren’t displaying, only the 5 GHz Wireshark captures Mesh Router Security Why is My Wi-Fi So Slow? See Local Network Devices with inSSIDer 5.2
MetaGeek Blog Culture Culture MetaGeek's Support for Ukraine Ryan Woodings What we are doing to help Ukraine Why We Built Signifi Business Ryan Woodings Signifi Business is about more than just home Wi-Fi, it's about employee fl... It's Time to End the 40-Hour Work Week Req... Ryan Woodings The pandemic has shown that having two full-time working parents is unsusta... Welcoming Joel Crane Back to MetaGeek! Ryan Woodings Joel Crane is rejoining MetaGeek as the Wi-Fi Pro Product Owner. His indust... Stepping Back into the CEO Role Ryan Woodings MetaGeek is uniquely positioned to make a difference — to make the world be... Happy World Wi-Fi Day! 🌍 📶 Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers World Wi-Fi Day is a global initiative to help bridge the digital divide, a... We Stand for What We Tolerate Brian Tuttle I feel called upon to make some personal statements regarding the killing o... Black Lives Matter Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers As a company, we don’t usually comment on political issues unless they are ... Personal Professional Development Brian Tuttle At MetaGeek, we practice Personal Professional Development. It’s a somewhat... DIY Day – May 2020 Brian Tuttle What is DIY Day? Dumb Idea of Yours Day! It’s a whole day for the geeks to ... Stepping Back into the "Chief Geek" Role Ryan Woodings When I started MetaGeek in 2005, it was just me and an idea. I had no offic... Getting Back on the Ship! A Cultural Reboa... Cole Pelosi Reboarding: getting on board again, especially an airplane or ship. We’re (still) one of the Best Places to Wo... Cole Pelosi We’re so excited to re-earn our status as one of the Best Places to Work in... 2017 – Back in the Game! Ryan Woodings Hi! It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post; it’s been too long act... In the News – Why Companies Are Moving Bac... Ryan Woodings Governing Magazine recently published an article about why companies are mo... Introducing Caitlyn Goetz, CWNA! Rich Parker We are proud to announce that we have another CWNA (Certified Wireless Netw... How To: RF Site Surveys Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers At some point in your job, you’ll need to deploy a WLAN network. Don’t be f... Marianna Budnikova, Driving STEM at MetaGe... Rich Parker Marianna Budnikova is one of our rockstar programmers here at MetaGeek. She... Our Philosophy for Employee Compensation –... Ryan Woodings Unless you just returned from a two month sabbatical from the Internet, you... Best Places to Work in Idaho 2012, 2013, 2... Rich Parker Most of us spend a great deal of our adult lives at work, for better or for... Develop.Idaho 2015 Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers Idaho might not be at the top of your list when you think of the tech indus... Scrum, It’s Not Just for Software Anymore Ryan Woodings MetaGeek believes in Scrum. Completely. Our software teams have been “agile... Engineers Without Borders – A Case Study b... Rich Parker Meet Andrew Chu. He is a network engineer for the organization Engineers Wi... How We Unsucked Our Hiring Process Ryan Woodings Firing people sucks. If you’ve ever had to do it, you know how awful it is.... The Ultimate Pairing Desk Ryan Woodings We believe that two heads are better than one. Pairing together to work on ... Supporting Boise State’s Computer Science ... Rich Parker MetaGeek is proud to be a Boise, Idaho company, and equally proud to say th... MetaGeek Donates 9 Laptops to OLPC Rich Parker In my Thanks and Giving post that I wrote after Thanskgiving (clever post n... Thanks and Giving Rich Parker During the Thanksgiving holiday I like to ponder the things I’m thankful fo... Third Site’s the Charm Ryan Woodings Our website has gone through some growing pains lately. It all started when... Explore More Topics Air Viewer Chanalyzer Channels Event YouTube Eye P.A. Culture Education Future Innovation InSSIDer Guest Post Interference MetaGeekApp Product Release Rampart Recordings Site Survey Press Tonic Software VisiWave Visual Packet Analysis Webinar Wi-Spy Wi-Fi Wireshark Get reliable Wi-Fi at home without needing to be a Wi-Fi expert. Subscribe to Signifi Personal. Get started Wi-Fi Education & Help If you're ready to take control of your Wi-Fi and make it feel like magic for your users, we are here to help. Wi-Fi Lessons Why Channels 1, 6, 11? Adjacent Channel Congestion Signal Strength Basics Understanding RSSI Using a New Router with DSL Changing Router Settings Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Videos Visual Spectrum Analysis Wireless Packet Analysis Designing Dual-Band Wi-Fi Catch Wi-Fi Roaming Events Tracking interference with Wi-Spy Air Room-by-Room snapshots with MetaGeek Pro Echo Spot and Dot Wi-Fi utilization Discussions Welcome to the MetaGeek Community! Lab tab unlock Chanalyzer 2.4 GHz SSIDs aren’t displaying, only the 5 GHz Wireshark captures Mesh Router Security Why is My Wi-Fi So Slow? See Local Network Devices with inSSIDer 5.2