Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
World Wi-Fi Day is a global initiative to help bridge the digital divide, and seeks to recognize and celebrate the significant role that Wi-Fi is playing in cities and communities around the world. Learn more about WWD here: http://worldwifiday.com/the-event/
World Wi-Fi Day is a global initiative to help bridge the digital divide, and seeks to recognize and celebrate the significant role that Wi-Fi is playing in cities and communities around the world. Learn more about WWD here: http://worldwifiday.com/the-event/.
Celebrated each year on June 20, #worldwifiday aims “to connect the unconnected in urban and rural areas, in developing as well as developed countries around the globe.”
For #worldwifiday this year, we asked @metageek employees why they ❤️ Wi-Fi. Here’s what they came up with:
🧠 “I love Wi-Fi because it expands my world and allows me to easily learn new things.” –Cole, MetaGeek HR
📶 “I love Wi-Fi because it uses unlicensed RF and open standards.” –Brian, MetaGeek CEO
🏡 “I love Wi-Fi because it allows me to access information from anywhere in my home.” –Rich, MetaGeek IT
💡 “I love Wi-Fi because it enables so many devices to be connected – everything from computers to lightbulbs!” –Ryan, MetaGeek founder
🥣 “I love Wi-Fi because I can work from the patio, pay bills while watching Netflix, look up recipes in the kitchen … all the things!” –Kelly, MetaGeek Sales
😸 ”I love Wi-Fi because it’s *wireless*! A wired connection will always get you more throughput, but the convenience is worth the half-duplex.” –Lael, MetaGeek Marketing
📍 ”I love Wi-Fi because helps me stay connected with people who are far away” –Vanessa, MetaGeek engineering
🧹 “I love Wi-Fi because it’s wireless and creates a more clutter-free environment!” –Casey, MetaGeek Support
How are you celebrating #worldwifiday? Let us know in the comments!
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