Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Hi! It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post; it’s been too long actually.
Hi! It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post; it’s been too long actually. The first half of 2016 MetaGeek suffered internal growing pains typical of startups as they mature. I stepped out of the role of Product Owner to focus my attention on “CEO” stuff. We also started exploring other markets for our tools and expertise… and before I knew it a year had passed since we had released a major update to Chanalyzer, inSSIDer Office and Eye P.A. Whoops!!
So, I sat down in December with our leadership team and made a commitment that in 2017 we would focus on providing value to our primary customers through short, iterative development cycles… like we used to. We have already finished minor updates for Chanalyzer and inSSIDer Office this year. The inSSIDer Office update is experimenting with a new framework to allow us to have a beta channel that any user can opt into. This beta channel will allow us to test out new ideas and get feedback from customers faster.
We are also redesigning MetaCare to provide more value to customers, so stay tuned for news regarding MetaCare.
I apologize for getting distracted in 2016. This year 2017 we are committed to developing awesome products that provide insight and understanding into Wi-Fi, and improve overall network health… I think it’s going to be an awesome year!
~Ryan Woodings
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