Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Wi-Fi is an amazing technology that frees us from physical tethers and pushes the boundaries of what we can do. As it continues to be developed, the easier it becomes to setup and to use.
Wi-Fi is an amazing technology that frees us from physical tethers and pushes the boundaries of what we can do. As it continues to be developed, the easier it becomes to setup and to use. However, sometimes it doesn’t work and for many Internet Service Provider (ISP) customers and technicians, it is hard to understand why.
Check out this White Paper to learn more about typical customer and technician Wi-Fi assumptions, the difficulty of providing perfect Wi-Fi, and the ramifications ISPs experience when not being able to provide the quality of Wi-Fi their customers expect. Furthermore, learn how MetaGeek’s inSSIDer Technician equips ISP technicians with the ability to deliver customers a high quality wireless experience and how ISPs can reduce their customer service costs.
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