Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
As many of you know Wi-Spy 2.4x is our first new product release since the original Wi-Spy went on sale in Dec 2005.
As many of you know Wi-Spy 2.4x is our first new product release since the original Wi-Spy went on sale in Dec 2005. Developing Wi-Spy 2.4x and managing all of the collateral that goes along with a product launch has been a learning experience for me. I have learned that it is next to impossible to expedite a product launch no matter how hard you try 😉
We had planned on releasing Wi-Spy 2.4x yesterday, but ran into a last minute issue with the cases we were using. After some deliberation and disucssion we decided it was better to postpone the launch than ship a lower quality product. We have put Plan A (fix current cases) and Plan B (get new cases) into action and should have quality cases in the next couple of days.
Once the case issue is resolved we will be able to ship Wi-Spy 2.4x.
In the meantime we have made a few tweaks to Chanalyzer 2.1.1 based on customer feedback (Spectral View was too dark) and have uploaded Chanalyzer 2.1.2.
Ryan Woodings
Chief Geek
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