Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Last Wednesday I had a salmon day… Brian Tuttle and I have been spending long days and even longer nights developing Chanlyzer 2.1.
Last Wednesday I had a salmon day… Brian Tuttle and I have been spending long days and even longer nights developing Chanlyzer 2.1. After finally get it feature complete and fixing all known defects we had decided to take last Monday off. Alas, I woke up to an email about problems with our Wi-Spy 2.4x cases and ended up spending most of my "day off" resolving the issues with Plan A of the cases and putting Plan B in place. Tuesday was more of the same, but by 3:30 in the afternoon on Wednesday Plan A (nylon cases with zipper) was back on track, albeit delayed. Plan B (DVD style cases) was implemented and would have cases in our office Thursday morning.
I was feeling pretty good about Wi-Spy 2.4x being released on time when I get "The Call"… ya’ know the call that makes you feel like you just got punched in the gut… or somewhere a little south of it. Apparently the entire first order of Wi-Spy 2.4x was made with leaded solder instead of lead-free solder as specified (Wi-Spy has been lead-free since July 2006 when the European Union mandated RoHS for all electronics equipment). Because of the lead in the solder we have had to recall the shipment we had sent to Crownhill, our European distributor. Luckily none of the non-RoHS compliant units had been sold yet!
New RoHS compliant Wi-Spy 2.4x units are scheduled to arrive in Europe by June 14th, at which time Wi-Spy will go on sale in Europe and North America. The Wi-Spy 2.4x with leaded solder can be sold in the US (since the US doesn’t require RoHS compliance). We would like to be environmentally friendly concerning the disposal of these units once their lives are over (may they rest in peace) and are open to suggestions on this topic.
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