Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Interestingly enough, one of the most frequent questions I get about the Wi-Spy Air is, “Will there be a way to attach it to a phone?” The quick answer is yes. We will include a couple of options: velcro and a clip (same clip that is included with the DBx).
Interestingly enough, one of the most frequent questions I get about the Wi-Spy Air is, “Will there be a way to attach it to a phone?” The quick answer is yes. We will include a couple of options: velcro and a clip (same clip that is included with the DBx).
This usually leads to getting recommendations on other ideas to try out. Often, they are pretty extravagant ideas. But, creative none-the-less.
A MetaGeek team member also had an idea – one of the simplest I’ve heard and the easiest to test. A couple years back, MetaGeek jumped on the pop socket craze and we purchased some branded pop sockets to give away as swag. I didn’t really like the idea of pop sockets, but tried it out anyways and actually came to enjoy it. I don’t really use it as a handle sort of utility that they are designed for, but more so because I liked fidgeting with it.
Fast forward a couple years and my team member was telling me how it might be cool to get a pop socket holder, like the one he uses in his car, and see how it well it might work joining the Wi-Spy Air to my phone. Intriguing idea…
Well, I quickly found these guys on Amazon (they even have a Wi-Fi symbol!) and two days later I was able to test them out!
The setup actually works quite well; you just need to make sure the pop socket is under the crease of the holder. The only downside was when I tried using a large directional antenna, which is heavier and larger than the Wi-Spy Air and adds more strain than I am comfortable on the connection. Other than that, I think I found my preferred way to attach the Wi-Spy Air to my iPhone!
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