Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Last week Mark Hall from Computer World visited Boise, and I was lucky enough to sit down and chat with him about Wi-Spy and general tech topics.
Last week Mark Hall from Computer World visited Boise, and I was lucky enough to sit down and chat with him about Wi-Spy and general tech topics. He visited a number of other companies in the Boise area and wrote an article about the tech industry here.
"Dont let the soaring mountains, wild rivers, dense forests and high desert fool you into thinking that Boisians spend all their time skiing, hiking, kayaking, fly fishing, camping, hunting, biking and generally goofing off. They spend a bit of their lives indoors toying with some pretty interesting technology at both local companies and renowned multinationals."
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