Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
It’s been 3 weeks since my last blog post. Not that I have ran out of things to say or haven’t been testing Air Viewer progress; but, life sorta just happened.
It’s been 3 weeks since my last blog post. Not that I have ran out of things to say or haven’t been testing Air Viewer progress; but, life sorta just happened and one week was sick with strep throat and the following couple weeks saw my spare time mostly at the hospital with my infant. He came down with the RSV virus and had to be in the PICU… Great news, he is now fully recovered and life is getting back to normal!
While I was at the hospital, I, of course, had my Wi-Spy Air tucked away in my pocket for some ad-hoc testing. I had the chance to take it out a couple of times to see what the environment looked liked.
As I expected, the Wi-Fi implementation at the hospital was pretty tight and was a great example of how Wi-Fi should look in that type of environment. I was able to find some bugs with the software being in that environment that wasn’t present in the other places I have visited, which is good to note for future application testing. 😀
The most exciting, and unexpected, Wi-Fi-related encounter I had was seeing quite a few random SSIDs, a few that were Star Wars themed:
Me thinks someone in IT has a good sense of humor. 😂
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