Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Ryan and I went to Mobility Field Day 4 in August to present some cool new things that are brewing here at MetaGeek. If you didn’t have a chance to watch live, no worries! In this post, I summarize what we presented and include videos of our presentation.
Ryan and I went to Mobility Field Day 4 in August to present some cool new things that are brewing here at MetaGeek. If you didn’t have a chance to watch live, no worries! In this post, I summarize what we presented and include videos of our presentation.
After giving an intro of MetaGeek, our origin story, and an overview of our main products (Chanalyzer, inSSIDer, and Eye P.A.) we quickly get into one of our latest products that we introduced to the public earlier this year: Wi-Spy Air and Air Viewer.
Wi-Spy Air and Air Viewer is our answer to a common practice that we saw when seeing how our traditional desktop apps are used in action. Since everyone has a mobile device at the ready these days, users are looking for a solution on these devices that help them do what they need to do. If those mobile apps, with the limited Wi-Fi information they are able to provide, doesn’t work, then they will bust out the laptop and use a MetaGeek app.
Wi-Spy Air and Air Viewer gives you a portable expert level solution that works with the mobile device you already have so that you can save time and back pain.
MetaGeek Integrated Apps That Remember and Share
Rampart connects MetaGeek tools and teammates to each other, and gives you an historical view of changes to your network.
MetaGeek tools have always been really awesome at one thing – immediately showing you layer 1 or 2 of Wi-Fi as it’s happening. However, our tools traditionally have not worked much with each other, have little awareness of who you are or the wireless environment you are in, and have no idea who your work with.
Rampart, our new cloud system that we just unveiled and are rapidly iterating on, changes these things.
Rampart breaks down the silos of our apps and lets you capture Wi-Fi information via inSSIDer and Air Viewer, view captured data in the cloud, see how environments change over time, and lets you easily share with your team members. Over time, Rampart will be the hub of all of your MetaGeek apps and will continue to learn and understand the environments you work in, their capabilities, and provide actionable insights.
Keep an eye out on our website and this blog as we post more information about Rampart and where we are iterating towards.
MetaGeek Client Traffic Analysis
Client Traffic Analytics in inSSIDer will make you more aware of what’s in your wireless environment, especially with regard to airspace utilization.
The night before our Mobility Field Day presentation, Tech Field Day threw a little shindig for the delegates and presenters and it was there that I had to bite my lip quite a bit as I was asked questions like “inSSIDer – are you guys doing anything with that product anymore” and “I saw that Eye P.A. can capture using 6 – 8 adapters, will that help me capture a roaming event?”
If you were able to watch the presentation, then you know the answers to both of the questions are an emphatic “Yes!” In fact, for the roaming event question, that’s one of the goals we have for our updated inSSIDer, which is to be able to use fewer adapters and have inSSIDer automatically detect and capture events for you so that you can look at it further in Eye P.A. or Wireshark.
The updates we are working on for inSSIDer are super exciting! Soon, I’ll be posting some more blogs and videos on the new functionality we are working on for inSSIDer.
What do you think of our #MFD4 announcements and new features we’re working on ? Let us know in the comments!
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