Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
We are almost complete piping in the standard Wi-Fi beacon data into the Air Viewer.
We are almost complete piping in the standard Wi-Fi beacon data into the Air Viewer. This part of development feels pretty similar to developing a standard Wi-Fi scanner for Android – getting the network SSIDs, signal strength, channel number, and security type. Some more savvy Android apps put in vendor (based off of OUI) and channel width; which we are checking off those boxes as well. We are also now working on the more professional grade territory that free apps are unable to provide; such as, adding in max data rate, phy type, AP aliases, retry rate, and utilization. Next up is piping in connected client information! The cool thing about all of this… Air Viewer will be one of the only layer one and two Wi-Fi apps available on iOS. 🍎
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