Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
The MetaGeek team spent last week exhibiting at the Interop show in Las Vegas showing off our new satellite Wi-Spy set up as well as our new live streaming and recordings viewer for iPad and iPhone.
The MetaGeek team spent last week exhibiting at the Interop show in Las Vegas showing off our new satellite Wi-Spy set up as well as our new live streaming and recordings viewer for iPad and iPhone. All-in-all it was a great show with many new–and old–friends met.
Douglas Haider, who works for Cisco and writes a blog for ComputerWorld, spoke with our Chief Geek Ryan Woodings about the necessity of spectrum analysis in deploying and maintaining wireless networks.
Also, our friend Stephen Foskett of Tech Field Day fame, stopped by the booth and talked with us about our upcoming products.
As Interop wrapped up all of us on the MetaGeek team came away with a sense that the wireless industry as a whole (big players, small players, everybody) is paying a lot more attention to spectrum analysis. Plus, they think of it now as a very necessary part of solid wireless network management. It’s good to see them start to come around.. 😉
We met with other journalists and bloggers at the show and we’ll also post their pieces as soon as they come out.
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