Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
MetaGeek launches inSSIDer PCI Compliance to complete the wireless scanning requirement for PCI compliance.
Recent Gartner research estimated that almost 20% of corporations have rogue APs in their network at some time. Generally these are unknowledgeable or impatient employees. But without scanning your environment you will be unable to tell if this rogue AP is just that, an employee or a malicious intent attacking your wireless network.
For PCI Compliance, the purpose of PCI DSS requirement 11.1 is to ensure you are correctly scanning your network environment to identify rogue wireless devices that could have an adverse effect on the security of your cardholder data.
“Working with individuals who are doing these quarterly scans, we have found that many either battle to get the scan done or are using cobbled-together tools that are not doing it correctly, and may actually bring extra scrutiny with their assessor or if they get audited.” says Mark Jensen, our MetaGeek Product Hacker, who has been a part of this new inSSIDer PCI Compliance product team.
With the new MetaGeek inSSIDer PCI Compliance tool, you are able to not only scan your wireless environment but also run and save your report (in CSV or PDF), as well as save your categorizations so you can return to it and run it the next quarter—and every subsequent quarter—in record time.
“The ability to save the network categorizations has been super-popular with our beta testers” Mark goes on to say, “this has always been a time consuming process every quarter, but now with this new product our clients are actually able to rerun the scan and most of the networks are already categorized — saving them a lot of time when doing PCI Compliance.”
The MetaGeek inSSIDer PCI Compliance tool does it all for PCI DSS 11.1 audits:
For more information or to purchase a license click here.
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