Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
I was dropping some family off at the Boise Airport and thought I’d bring the Wi-Spy Air with me to see what the Wi-Fi situation at the Airport was looking like – and guess what I found?!
I was dropping some family off at the Boise Airport and thought I’d bring the Wi-Spy Air with me to see what the Wi-Fi situation at the Airport was looking like – and guess what I found?! An 802.11b AP! not only that, but it was transmitting on channel 8. Talk about no-bueno adjacent channel interference… I didn’t get a ton of info on the B station; but, the MAC and vendor name did come in – here is the website for the vendor (Universal Global Scientific Industrial Co.) http://www.usi.com.tw/en. Also, notice how the B station has a rounded top on the network graph compared to the other stations. That’s right! We like to include the little visual details at MetaGeek – afterall, b only stations appear less and less, but they are still out there. 👽
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