Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
In June, we released an update to Eye P.A that gives users the ability to create a live capture using an AirPcap device (read more about live capture). Today, we are excited to announce additional enhancements to the way Eye P.A. is used – creating a simpler and more user-friendly application.
In June, we released an update to Eye P.A that gives users the ability to create a live capture using an AirPcap device (read more about live capture). Today, we are excited to announce additional enhancements to the way Eye P.A. is used – creating a simpler and more user-friendly application.
With our new filter bar, you can now Filter by Name or MAC Address (Exclusive and Inclusive), Filter by data rate or RSSI (greater than or less than). This allows for super quick “zoom into” problem areas. The new filter bar options also give you more flexibility to only see what you are interested in.
Instead of a single-view, Eye P.A. is now presented in four separate workflow tabs – condensing and grouping together the steps of Packet Analysis.
If it’s your first trial, or it’s just been a while since you’ve used Eye P.A. – click through the learning slides to get a quick refresher of the components and features of the software
Open existing .pcap or .pcapng files – or connect an AirPcap and capture wireless data network packets to analyze immediately after the capture is complete. LEARN MORE
Upon opening an existing or new .pcap file, you’ll find yourself in the Visualize tab, which contains the visualization elements you are used to seeing in Eye P.A. – only with a few things moved into more user-friendly locations.
In Eye P.A. version 1.3, we’ve made it easy to drill down into details. Integrated into the PACKET tab is our new Packet Viewer, eliminating the need to go back and forth between Wireshark and Eye P.A.. Do all your packet analysis in one application – Eye P.A.
You can now fine-tune Eye P.A. to provide you with just the information you need. Just show packets set at low data rates, or only show packets to a specific client. We give you the ability to specify the details you need the most.
You’ll see a few visual updates, like the ability to collapse the right sidebar for more viewing space. We’ve also moved the Adjustable Time Graph to the top of the viewing screen to concentrate the navigation controls into one area. One of the most exciting features is persistent treepie memory. Drill down into any layer, and the software now maintains the same drill-down when you move the Adjustable Time Graph or apply filters.
If you haven’t downloaded an update to Eye P.A. in a while, or would like to preview our Trial for another 15 days, download the latest version today and see the latest improvements yourself.
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