Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Back at office, the geeks have been working hard on a brand-new, first-of-it’s-kind tool. We are very excited to introduce you to our latest software, Eye P.A!
Back at the office, the geeks have been working hard on a brand-new, first-of-it’s-kind tool.
We are very excited to introduce you to our latest software, Eye P.A!
Before Eye P.A., professionals would have to navigate through dense streams of packet data looking
for a needle in a haystack. Now they have a first step to better understand Wi-Fi networks – visually.
Eye P.A. is an 802.11 .pcap troubleshooting tool designed to be the first pass
at analyzing your wireless network data traffic.
With Eye P.A., you can open the data captured from your wireless network in a .pcap file and transform the dense stream of bits and bites into color-coded multi layered pie charts for quick troubleshooting.
Download and try Eye P.A. for 15 days – or buy the most visual front-line wireless data packet analysis tool available today for $499.
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