Wireless Lan Professionals Conference (WLP...
Brian Tuttle
A couple of weeks ago Bryan Lee and I joined hundreds of Wireless LAN pros ...
Unleash the powers of your Wi-Spy and view smaller frequency ranges with excellent resolution in the latest version of Chanalyzer Lab.
Unleash the powers of your Wi-Spy and view smaller frequency ranges with excellent resolution in the latest version of Chanalyzer Lab. Chanalyzer Lab can transform a Wi-Spy to a lab-worthy spectrum analyzer that will impress your most RF-savvy friend. He or she can save her favorite hardware presets with the ultimate step size and resolution bandwidth combination for quick and easy access. Chanalyzer Lab gives the consistency many engineers need and deserve.
As a 20% project here at MetaGeek, Chris created a quick and easy tool to export the data window to a CSV file. If you have ever wanted to extract the raw values out of Chanalyzer, Lab now has the feature built in. Use Chanalyzer’s time segment analysis to find the perfect range of time you’d like to export it. After a few clicks you will have actionable data to import into other tools such as MATLAB or another external diagnostic program.
Chanalyzer also includes the latest color scheme by MetaGeek called Color by Utilization. This is very useful for visualizing how constant a transmitter can be. Don’t worry though, like everything else in lab you can quickly change the colors to what ever makes sense for you.
If you find yourself wanting higher resolution, faster sweep times or perhaps exportable data – give Chanalyzer Lab a free trial. For Science!
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